Mass live-streaming.
Emmanuel Ogunnaike is pleased to inform everybody that all masses from St Anthony’s are now public and live streamed at the times given in the weekly parish bulletin via our YouTube channel here.
Because St Anthony’s is now streaming all masses, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers and readers are required to sign a consent form allowing their images to be
broadcast. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN CAMERA ANGLE From Monday May 31st 2021 the camera to be used for streaming gives a full view of the altar and approximately the front third of the church. As a result, the backs of parishioners will be visible in the first few pews and of all communicants when returning to
their seats. At weekend Masses if you do not want to be shown on camera at any time please take advantage of the seating in the hall, where mass is live streamed onto a screen (and Holy Communion is brought through).