Coronavirus matters:
The updated guidelines from the archdiocese (published on 24.1.22) can be accessed via the following link:
The important points for church use are summarised:
In summary:
• It remains good practice to continue to sanitise hands on entering the church and to wear a mask, especially during singing.
• Holy Communion will continue. under one kind only.
• Holy water fonts will be returned to the church entrance and exit. THESE WILL BE CLEANED DAILY.
• That there is good ventilation and air throughput in the building; in this case, because of climatic conditions, it would be important to remind people to wrap up well in church!
• That a positive message encouraging people to get vaccinated and have the booster jab when able is delivered whenever possible.
Those who wish to socially distance will be allowed to do so. St Anthony’s will accommodate this by designating the Lady Chapel as an area where 1m+ social distancing will be maintained. We suggest that parishioners who want to use this facility enter and leave the church by the side door.
Mass times and church opening.
All masses are now public and live-streamed at
Weekday and Saturday morning Masses at 9 am.
Private prayer with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is from 5:45 – 6:15 pm on Saturday.
Confessions can be arranged by appointment or can be heard between 5:45 – 6:15 pm on Saturday (during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament).
The Rosary is recited after the 9 am Friday Mass. see the mass intentions in the bulletin.
Live streaming of public masses.
Because St Anthony’s is now streaming all masses, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers and readers are required to sign a consent form allowing their images to be broadcast.
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN CAMERA ANGLE: From Monday May 31st the camera to be used for streaming gives a full view of the altar and approximately the front third of the church. As a result, the backs of parishioners will be visible in the first few pews and of all communicants when returning to their seats. At weekend Masses if you do not want to be shown on camera at any time please take advantage of the seating in the hall, where mass is live streamed onto a screen (and Holy Communion is brought through).
It is important to reaffirm that, at present, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended.
In case of urgent need due to illness, whether Coronavirus-related or otherwise please get in touch with the Parish Office by emailing, or phoning 01865 762 964.
If you or someone you know in the parish is self-isolating and is in need of any support, such as help with shopping or a chat on the phone, please get in touch with the Parish Office by emailing, or phoning 01865 762 964.
It is anticipated that Corpus Christi Parish in Headington will continue to be live streaming weekday and Sunday Mass , and more details can be found at
As Cardinal Vincent Nichols writes today, ‘During these disturbing and threatening times, the rhythm of the prayer of the Church will continue. Please play your part in it. The effort of daily kindness and mutual support for all will continue and increase. Please play your part in this too. For your commitment to this, we thank you. “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.”‘